You Are About To Discover The Solution To The Single Biggest Mistake That Failing Businesses Make...

HINT: It's Not That They Don't Have Enough Money...

Myron Golden Ph.D. Presents

The Make More Offers Challenge

Discover the little known secret for producing the results your business has been searching for...

Enrollment for this class is currently open. Join this class now by enrolling above.

Take The Challenge

Challenge The Status Quo

Will you challenge what you believe is possible for you? Step up to the challenge today. 

Time: Monday thru Friday

5 Day Commitment

1-2 hrs per day for 5 days. Get immersed in the process.

Final Result

More And Better Offers

Level up by making more perfect high ticket offers quickly in by the end of class.

This Class Is For

Coaches, & Consultants etc.

Beginner or advanced, this class will level you up.

Wealth Has A Need For Speed...
Collapse Time Frames
You Don't Need To Make More Money, You Need To Make Money Faster...

Check Out What Past Challengers Are Saying...


Watch 23 Minutes Of Interviews And Case Studies...

Transform the way you make offers
Learn To Make Yourself Feel Like Making Offers!
During this 5-day class, learn the concept Myron Golden calls emotional cooperation and logical justification.  These  are the concepts Myron uses to make product hits. This class meets you where you are and pushes your skills to new heights.
Genesis believes people don't just buy on launch day...

Instead they buy every day with - their time, their clicks and posts and tweets - this is big data.

Understanding how to use big data allows us to be bigger than the competition, and it allows us to make a bigger impact.
Challenge Community
Access to the Make More Offers Challenge Facebook Group. You will be surrounded by other entrepreneurs who are excited to learn about making more offers. 
Lead Generation Offers
You will learn the secret to making offers that cause people to opt in.  Lead generation offers are the key to building a big email list of people who want to buy from you.
Core Product offers
Learn to create great core product offers which are the foundation of your business. When you have a great core product offer, you will have a business that is sustainable and scalable. 
Premium value offers
You will learn the secrets to premium value offers. Premium value offers are the secret sauce of exponential scalability. 
Retention Offers
Retention offers are offers that allow you to do the work once and get paid from now on. When you have retention offers they create MRR.
Join the Challenge
Grab your ticket and join the challenge  today
5 days. perfectly structured.
Learn to make precise, profitable and even premium offers through a proven offer process that has been used by Myron Golden and his students to do over one hundred million dollars in sales, one Golden Offer at a time.
Improve your skills drastically through in depth training sessions, projects, Q & A  and feedback sessions.
It is your world class offer curriculum being presented as an opportunity to level you up.
Day 1: Offer Science
On the first day,  you will now know how to pick out a good offer from a bad offer.
  • Offer Science - What Separates The Best From The Rest
  •  Identify Your Offer  
  •  Quantify Your Offer
  • Magnify Your Offer   
Day 2: Offer Strategies
On the second day, you will now understand why people will buy and when to sell your offer.
  •  Offer Strategies - Why People Buy Or They Fly
  •  Prepare Your Offer    
  • Position Your Offer   
  •  Preframe Your Offer
Day 3: Offer Scripts
On the third day, you will now know how to have the perfect conversation around your offer.
  •  Offer Scripts - What To say And How To Say It
  •  Make Sure Your Offer Is Measurable 
  • Make Sure Your Offer Is Statable          
  •  Make Sure Your Offer Is Desirable      
Day 4: Systemization
On the fourth day, you will learn to create systems for your offers.
  •  Offer Systems - They Will Make You Or Break You!
  •  Lead Generation Offers
  • Core Product Offers       
  •  Premium Value Offers  
Day 5: Offer Success Stack
On the fifth day, you will know how to predict winning offers.
  • Offer Stack - What Makes Your Offer Irresistible
  •  It Eliminates Pain             
  • It Expands Pleasure        
  •  It Exposes Possibilities 
Learn From The Best

Myron Golden

During this class you will learn closely guarded secrets that previously Myron Golden has only shared in his ultra high-end masterminds! Whether you are a new entrepreneur or an entrepreneur who is already generating 5, 6 or even 7 figures per month, you are going to gain knowledge about offers you didn't know existed.

5 days-perfectly structured
A New Kind Of Challenge
I know what you are probably thinking. "Oh brother, not another sales pitch disguised as a challenge"! Well, you're right. It's not another sales pitch disguised as a challenge, it is the most comprehensive, yet simple to understand 5 day training designed to help you understand offers so well that your prospects will thank you for making the offer! 

Have you ever made a premium offer with a premium price and had clients thanking you in tears for making the offer and giving them a chance to buy it from you? If you haven't then you have a lot to learn about creating, conveying and converting offers. 
Challenges Create Champions, Are You Up For A Challenge?
Remember, everything that feels good isn't good and everything that feels bad isn't bad! Sometimes the best way to learn and master a new skill is to have a challenge to overcome! 

The challenges that life throws our way are the same things that make us strong enough to stay there when we get there (regardless of where there is for us). 

Allow me to introduce you to some of my students who were up for the challenge...
If I had to sum up the most transformational advice I’ve received from a mentor, it would be these three words from Myron Golden…
“Make. More. Offers.”
Sounds simple, right? And when you have the kind of guidance and encouragement Myron provides, it really is. Fair warning though, sometimes you may find resistance rearing its ugly head, whispering that you can’t do it because of (fill in the blank with your self-sabotaging excuses), or that you’re not prepared enough, good enough, smart enough…
Those are just your old stories kicking into gear.
But with Myron guiding you, you’ll soon annihilate those limiting beliefs, especially when you experience for yourself the power of simply making more offers.
Here’s what happened in just 30-days when I followed Myron’s counsel…
• I did it without the new program even being created yet…
• I did it without paid ads, a launch or any joint-venture partners…
• I moved forward without ONE word of copy or a website for my offer…
• I had an 80% close rate for my new offer…
• I made OTHER additional offers…
• I increased my monthly revenue from my previous “highest ever” by 55%...
• And in just 30-days, I brought in $145,646.
Yep, that’s how powerful it is. And there is only ONE person you should trust to get you moving in the right direction with more offers…my mentor and trusted friend Myron Golden.
And here’s the thing…
Not only is Myron an amazing mentor. He’s an amazing PERSON.
That often gets lost in the shuffle these days, especially with so many high-powered self-anointed gurus and instant experts running rampant on the Internet.
The difference is working with a man who is smart, funny, wise, inspired, authentic, and truly CARES about those he is called to serve. Who knows who you are. Who sees your potential even when you falter. Who is committed to supporting your success if you’re willing to do YOUR part.
If you have the opportunity to work with Myron Golden, take a deep breath, fasten your seatbelt, and GO for it. You’ll be blessed beyond measure.
~Tina Lorenz
Tina Lorenz - The Queen Of Copy

Tina stepped up to the challenge and did $145,646.00 in sales in just 30 days

You Can Step Up To The Challenge

There are two ways. Heres how:

  • Via Live Challenge
  • Recordings Available For A Limited Time  After Live Sessions

The Next Challenge Starts:

October 7th - October 11th

November 4th - November 8th

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Noon-1:00pm EST

General Admission

Yes, I'm IN!


11:00am-1:00 pm EST

VIP Experience

Yes, I'm IN!


General Admission

Here's What You Get...

  •  5 Days Of Offer Training With Dr. Myron Golden King Of Offers...
  • Access To Make More Offers FB Group
  • ​Dominate The Marketplace And Crush The Competition
  • ​How To Sell Anything To Anyone

VIP Experience

Here's What You Get...

  • 5 Days Of Offer Training With Dr. Myron Golden King Of Offers...
  • Access To Make More Offers FB Group
  • ​How To Sell Anything To Anyone
  • ​VIP Backstage Pass to Watch And Learn From The  Zoom Q&A As Myron Answers Questions To Platinum VIP Ticket Holders (this is an additional hour of training each day)
  • ​Millionaire Mindset Makeover
  • ​How The Law Of  "At Action" Really Works
  • ​First Access To Purchase An Upgraded Platinum VIP Ticket (you will be notified via email when doors open). Platinum VIP Ticket Holders Will Be Guaranteed To  Ask Myron A Question About Their Business.
still have questions? here are some answers
Frequently Asked Questions
If your questions aren't listed below, feel free to email us at
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who is this class for?
Entrepreneurs with products and services they would like to sell more of. If you are a course creator, coach or speaker looking to reach your maximum potential in business, then this class is for you.

Q: Who is this class not for?
Wantrepreneurs and business opportunity seekers. This class is not a shiny object to be added to your collection of courses, books and videos that you still have never gone through. If you are curious about business but not serious, please don't waste your money or our time. 
Q: How much is the training?
There are 2 ways to participate in The Make More Offers Challenge. The General Admission is only $97 and the VIP Experience is only $297 for a VIP ticket, which includes backstage passes to watch and learn from the Zoom pre-game show as Dr. Myron Golden answers Q&A of Platinum VIP Ticket holders.
Q: How is this different than your courses or free content on offers?
While I do have content available on sales and marketing your products and services, this is my premiere content on offer creation and the first time I've created a challenge live or otherwise.
Q: Are the challenge classes live?
Yes, classes will be live. Although the classes will be live and recorded you won't be able to purchase the recordings so you will need to watch the challenge live or watch the recordings for the limited time they will be posted in the Facebook group.
Q: How does the 5 day challenge work?
Each day the challenge training will run from 12-1pm, with backstage additional VIP training with questions from Platinum VIP ticket holders from 11am-12pm each day. In the evening you are encouraged to complete the tasks within the window provided.
Q: Will I get direct feedback from Myron?
Only if you purchase an upgrade of a Platinum VIP ticket, if you have the VIP Experience you will have a virtual backstage pass to watch and learn from the Q & A sessions each day. If you have General Admission you will not have access to listen to the Q&A sessions prior to the general training.
Q: What is a platinum VIP ticket and where can I purchase one?
A platinum VIP ticket is an upgraded ticket that allows you to be guaranteed to ask your question during the VIP session. These tickets are limited to 40 each challenge and are first come, first serve. Doors to these tickets do not open until a few days prior to the challenge and the upgrade option will be emailed to the VIP ticket holders first, and then to the general admission ticket holders if spots still remain.
Q: If I don't have a business yet, or I am not a coach or consultant is this challenge for me?
Because Myron teaches based on principles, this challenge does help business owners from all arenas. We have had people from all types of businesses from artists, to truck drivers, to lawn care, and chiropractors who have benefited from what Myron teaches on the challenge. If you don't yet have a business, you are welcome to join. However, be aware that Myron is teaching business principles. If you plan on starting a business it could bring insight as you start your entrepreneurial journey.

Become An Offer Making Machine And Create Some Offer Making Magic...

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